Search for publications in the Transfection Database with Polyplus transfection reagents or for transfection conditions.

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Found 123 results :
Cell Linein vitro
in vivo
Delivered MoleculeReagentResults & Citations
HEK-293Tin vitroDNAPEIpro
Vaz TA. et al. (2023)

Biotechnol J ,
Exploring nutrient supplementation and bioprocess optimization to improve the production of lentiviral vectors in serum-free medium suspension cultures
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HEK-293Tin vitroDNAPEIpro
Wellington D. et al. (2023)

Heliyon 9, e20076
SARS-CoV-2 mutations affect proteasome processing to alter CD8+ T cell responses
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HEK-293 6Ein vitroDNAPEIpro
Fuller, J. P. et al. (2015)

Acta Neuropathol 130, 699-711
Comparing the efficacy and neuroinflammatory potential of three anti-abeta antibodies
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HEK-293 6Ein vitroDNAPEIpro
Kuusk, S. et al. (2017)

PLoS One 12, e0171042
Human Chitotriosidase Is an Endo-Processive Enzyme
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CHO-3E7in vitroDNAPEIpro
Trabjerg, E. et al. (2017)

J Biol Chem ,
Conformational characterization of Nerve growth factor-beta reveals that its regulatory pro-part domain stabilizes three loop regions in its mature part
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Plat-Ein vitroDNAPEIpro
Batista, C. R. et al. (2018)

Blood Adv 2, 2798-2810
Driver mutations in Janus kinases in a mouse model of B-cell leukemia induced by deletion of PU.1 and Spi-B
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-in vitroDNAPEIpro, PEIpro residual test
Song, D. et al. (2019)

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 11, 28720-28731
Cellular Targeting of Bispecific Antibody-Functionalized Poly(ethylene glycol) Capsules: Do Shape and Size Matter?
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HEK293SF-3F6in vitroDNAPEIpro
Lavado-Garcia J. et al. (2020)

J Proteome Res 19, 1085-1099
Multiplexed Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of HEK293 Provides Insights Into Molecular Changes Associated With the Cell Density Effect, Transient Transfection, and Virus-Like Particle Production
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HEK-293Tin vitroDNAPEIpro
Ducloux C. et al. (2020)

Viruses 12, E1467
Enhanced Cell-Based Detection of Parvovirus B19V Infectious Units According to Cell Cycle Status
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HEK-293Tin vitroDNAPEIpro
Turkki V. et al. (2021)

Viruses 13,
Experimental Evaluation of an Interferometric Light Microscopy Particle Counter for Titering and Characterization of Virus Preparations
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