
  • Authors: Mesgarzadeh AH. et al.
  • Year: 2019
  • Journal: Gene 716 144033
  • Applications: in vitro / miRNA / jetPEI
  • Cell type: HN-5
    Description: Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma
    Known as: HN5 ; LICR-LON-HN5 ; LICR-HN5 ; LICR-HN-5 ; LICR HN-5


Oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) is one of the causes of death worldwide. The purpose of this project was to define the restoring of microRNA-143 in HN-5 cells and discover molecular apparatuses responsible for the anticancer processes. Firstly, expression levels of miR-143, K-Ras, MMP9 and C-Myc were evaluated in OSCC tissues. Then, microRNA-143 was transfected into HN-5 cells. The cytotoxic effects of microRNA-143 on HN-5 cells were evaluated. To estimate the effects of microRNA-143 on cell migration, wound healing assay was done. The expression levels of microRNA-143, K-Ras, MMP9, C-Myc, ADAMTS and CXCR4 were evaluated via the qRT-PCR method. microRNA-143 mimic inhibited cell migration in HN-5 cell line. microRNA-143 mimic decreased K-Ras, MMP9, C-My, ADAMTS and CXCR4 gene expression. microRNA-143 can inhibit HN-5 cells migration in vitro by down-regulating the expression of invasion-linked genes. Hence, microRNA-143 can be a new diagnostic biomarker and new therapeutic target for OSCC.

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