
  • Authors: Maroni, L., Agostinelli, L., Saccomanno, S., Pinto, C., Giordano, D., Rychlicki, C., De Minicis, S., Trozzi, L., Banales, J. M., Melum, E., Karlsen, T. H., Benedetti, A., Baroni, G. S., Marzioni, M.
  • Year: 2016
  • Journal: Am J Pathol
  • Applications: in vitro / siRNA / INTERFERin
  • Cell type: NRC
    Description: Normal Rat Cholangiocytes


Cells were seeded at 30-40% of confluence and transfected the next day using INTERFERin, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Microbial products are thought to influence the progression of cholangiopathies, in particular primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Inflammasomes are molecular platforms that respond to microbial products through the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines. We investigated the role of inflammasome activation in cholangiocyte response to injury. Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor family, pyrin domain-containing protein 3 (Nlrp3) expression was tested in cholangiocytes of normal and cholestatic livers. Effects of Nlrp3 activation induced by incubation with lipopolysaccharide and ATP was studied in vitro in normal and siRNA-Nlrp3 knockdown cholangiocytes. Wild-type and Nlrp3 knockout (Nlrp3-/-) mice were fed 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC; a model of sclerosing cholangitis) for 4 weeks. Nlrp3 and its components were overexpressed in cholangiocytes of mice subjected to DDC and in patients affected by PSC. In vitro, Nlrp3 activation stimulated expression of Il-18 but not of Il-1beta and Il-6. Nlrp3 activation had no effect on cholangiocyte proliferation but significantly decreased the expression of Zonulin-1 and E-cadherin, whereas Nlrp3 knockdown increased the permeability of cholangiocyte monolayers. In vivo, the DDC-stimulated number of cytokeratin-19-positive cells in the liver of wild-type animals was slightly reduced in Nlrp3-/- mice, and expression of E-cadherin was reestablished. In conclusion, Nlrp3 is expressed in reactive cholangiocytes, in both murine models and patients with PSC. Activation of Nlrp3 leads to synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and influences epithelial integrity of cholangiocytes.

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