
  • Authors: Li, S. K., Abbas, A. K., Solomon, L. A., Groux, G. M., DeKoter, R. P.
  • Year: 2015
  • Journal: Mol Cell Biol 35 1619-32
  • Applications: in vitro / DNA / PEIpro
  • Cell type: HEK-293ET
    Description: Human embryonic kidney Fibroblast
    Known as: HEK293 EBNA T, HEK293ET, 293ET,


A 2:1 PEIpro/DNA ratio (20 µL PEIpro and 10 µg plasmid DNA per 100 mm dish) was used for transfections, with a final working concentration for PEIpro of 0.5 µg/mL. Transfections were performed using DMEM without fetal bovine serum (FBS) or antibiotics for 4 h at 37°C. Cells were washed with fresh complete DMEM following transfection and incubated for 48 h at 37°C. Virus-containing supernatants were collected following 48 h.


Generation of antibodies against T-independent and T-dependent antigens requires Toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement on B cells for efficient responses. However, the regulation of TLR expression and responses in B cells is not well understood. PU.1 and Spi-B (encoded by Sfpi1 and Spib, respectively) are transcription factors of the E26 transformation-specific (ETS) family and are important for B cell development and function. It was found that B cells from mice knocked out for Spi-B and heterozygous for PU.1 (Sfpi1(+/-) Spib(-/-) [PUB] mice) proliferated poorly in response to TLR ligands compared to wild-type (WT) B cells. The NF-kappaB family member p50 (encoded by Nfkb1) is required for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) responsiveness in mice. PUB B cells expressed reduced Nfkb1 mRNA transcripts and p50 protein. The Nfkb1 promoter was regulated directly by PU.1 and Spi-B, as shown by reporter assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis. Occupancy of the Nfkb1 promoter by PU.1 was reduced in PUB B cells compared to that in WT B cells. Finally, infection of PUB B cells with a retroviral vector encoding p50 substantially restored proliferation in response to LPS. We conclude that Nfkb1 transcriptional activation by PU.1 and Spi-B promotes TLR-mediated B cell proliferation.

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