
  • Authors: Shapiro-Reznik, M., Jilg, A., Lerner, H., Earnest, D. J., Zisapel, N.
  • Year: 2012
  • Journal: PLoS ONE 7 e37894
  • Applications: in vitro / siRNA / INTERFERin
  • Cell type: SCN2.2
    Description: Rat immortalized brain suprachiasmatic nuclei


The neurexin genes (NRXN1/2/3) encode two families (alpha and beta) of highly polymorphic presynaptic proteins that are involved in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic balance. Recent studies indicate that neuronal activation and memory formation affect NRXN1/2/3alpha expression and alternative splicing at splice sites 3 and 4 (SS#3/SS#4). Neurons in the biological clock residing in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) act as self-sustained oscillators, generating rhythms in gene expression and electrical activity, to entrain circadian bodily rhythms to the 24 hours day/night cycles. Cell autonomous oscillations in NRXN1/2/3alpha expression and SS#3/SS#4 exons splicing and their links to rhythms in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic balance in the circadian clock were explored. NRXN1/2/3alpha expression and SS#3/SS#4 splicing, levels of neurexin-2alpha and the synaptic scaffolding proteins PSD-95 and gephyrin (representing excitatory and inhibitory synapses, respectively) were studied in mRNA and protein extracts obtained from SCN of C3H/J mice at different times of the 24 hours day/night cycle. Further studies explored the circadian oscillations in these components and causality relationships in immortalized rat SCN2.2 cells. Diurnal rhythms in mNRXN1alpha and mNRXN2alpha transcription, SS#3/SS#4 exon-inclusion and PSD-95 gephyrin and neurexin-2alpha levels were found in the SCN in vivo. No such rhythms were found with mNRXN3alpha. SCN2.2 cells also exhibited autonomous circadian rhythms in rNRXN1/2 expression SS#3/SS#4 exon inclusion and PSD-95, gephyrin and neurexin-2alpha levels. rNRXN3alpha and rNRXN1/2beta were not expressed. Causal relationships were demonstrated, by use of specific siRNAs, between rNRXN2alpha SS#3 exon included transcripts and gephyrin levels in the SCN2.2 cells. These results show for the first time dynamic, cell autonomous, diurnal rhythms in expression and splicing of NRXN1/2 and subsequent effects on the expression of neurexin-2alpha and postsynaptic scaffolding proteins in SCN across the 24-h cycle. NRXNs gene transcripts may have a role in coupling the circadian clock to diurnal rhythms in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic balance.

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