
  • Authors: Sanchez-Laorden, B., Viros, A., Girotti, M. R., Pedersen, M., Saturno, G., Zambon, A., Niculescu-Duvaz, D., Turajlic, S., Hayes, A., Gore, M., Larkin, J., Lorigan, P., Cook, M., Springer, C., Marais, R.
  • Year: 2014
  • Journal: Sci Signal 7 ra30
  • Applications: in vitro / siRNA / INTERFERin
  • Cell types:
    1. Name: WM1366
      Description: Human skin melanoma cells
    2. Name: WM1791


10 nM


Melanoma is a highly metastatic and lethal form of skin cancer. The protein kinase BRAF is mutated in about 40% of melanomas, and BRAF inhibitors improve progression-free and overall survival in these patients. However, after a relatively short period of disease control, most patients develop resistance because of reactivation of the RAF-ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway, mediated in many cases by mutations in RAS. We found that BRAF inhibition induces invasion and metastasis in RAS mutant melanoma cells through a mechanism mediated by the reactivation of the MEK (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase)-ERK pathway, increased expression and secretion of interleukin 8, and induction of protease-dependent invasion. These events were accompanied by a cell morphology switch from predominantly rounded to predominantly elongated cells. We also observed similar responses in BRAF inhibitor-resistant melanoma cells. These data show that BRAF inhibitors can induce melanoma cell invasion and metastasis in tumors that develop resistance to these drugs.

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